We’ve embedded our efforts with the Living Earth Projects VA. Head over to their website to see all the awesome projects they are busy with…of which the Fast Forward Foundation book is but one. The Fast Forward Foundation concept is hereby officially closed.
The new DAO
We’ve been hard at work in the last two/three years to build our network and setup the foundation of what’s to come. This work includes renting and building a small farm where we try to put to test a lot of the concepts we believe will help us all have a better future.
We’ve also researched and helped to build our DAO. So instead of having a traditional foundation, we instead are building a DAO, which is much better suited to help coordinate all the effort, contributions and projects that are necessary to move us fast forward to where we believe we all want to be as a nation 🙂
Head over to our DAO at www.fastforward.africa. See you there 🙂
This website will now be dormant…we just keep it as a placeholder so we can direct you over to our DAO.
Greening the desert
You won’t believe what is going on quietly in the world…while the world economy once again tanks, pandemics rage and big oil still couldn’t care about all the damage they do…
Have a look at the work of Geoff Lawton – he’s literally greening the desert, one small patch at a time in Jordan. Truly exciting work! This is what our villages here in Namibia need as well!
Municipal Support of Local Currencies: Cash During a Crisis
I have just received an excellent post by Brittany Ebeling in my inbox. She explains how Municipalities can use Local Currencies to smoothen out the rough times during these times of crisis.
Read her piece here at the Schumacher Centre for a new Economics.
I’ve bought my first book on Permaculture and WOW, what a new world is opening up. I’ve always had a vague idea that we could make things grow in arid areas, but I had no idea of what abundance truly is possible.
I strongly suggests you get going – and even if it’s just a small box of herbs on your windowsill. Once the gardening/growing bug bites you your life will be richer forever…without you having to spend big money 🙂
I can recommend the book Practical Permaculture: for Home Landscapes, Your Community, and the Whole Earth, by Jessi Bloom, Timber Press. Kindle Edition for a great manual on how to green your surroundings.

I’ve also done a quick Google search and am amazed that Permaculture is already taking hold in Namibia.
Here are some great sites to check out: including: http://www.permaculturenamibia.org,
Enjoy 🙂
Can you really make a change in the world?
Do you think you are too small to make a difference? See this video from Charles Eisenstein and then think about it again 🙂
Opensource solutions
I’ve just stumbled across an awesome resource website!
Onecommunityglobal.org is a community of sustainable lifestyle designers who open source their plans for a host of sustainable living solutions. It’s now high on my list of favourite resources to help us build a sustainable future here in Namibia. Do check it out on www.onecommunityglobal.org.
The Future of good Money
I’ve just read about SEEDS for the first time earlier today on Facebook. It’s like a new world is opening up – I’m so super excited. SEEDS is a cryptocurrency made specifically to boost community building projects which regenerate nature at the same time. It’s like all good things are coming together, a local community based currency, rewards for good deeds, funding for projects and most importantly – a merit based decision system. WOW. If you are interested in healing this planet, then this is a must read…and must use!
Read more about SEEDS here https://joinseeds.com. It’s currently in Beta testing phase, and will roll out only in 2021…but I’m definitely glued to my screen until then 🙂